(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[pg][nq][pn][om][pl][lj][mm][ln][qq][pq] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][mc][jq][on][oo][nj][mk][mp][qp][lk] TR[ln] C[Problem 82. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone (White 2 in the game in Problem 78). What is the correct way to respond ? ] ;B[mq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should block with 1 and force the White stones to live ... ] ;W[np];B[mo];W[mr];B[lr];W[no];B[nn];W[mn];B[rq];W[rr];B[rp];W[nr];B[sr];W[rs] C[... with the sequence to 14. ] ;B[qm] C[Although Black's stones in the corner seem to be in danger, ... ] ;W[pm];B[rl];W[qn];B[rn];W[ql];B[rm] C[... he can easily make eyes up to 21. ] ;W[qj];B[qk];W[pk];B[rk];W[oj];B[pi];W[oi];B[qi];W[nl];B[oh] C[The sequence continues to 31 with Black taking a big profit on the right, while White's stones in the center are still insecure. <= ] ) )