(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nc][nq][cq][dq][fq][cn][dm][hc][be][ed][db][eb][ec][fd][df][dh][cl][pc][ob][qb][bm][bo][gh][ph] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][pf][qm][ip][co][dn][en][fc][bd][ce][de][ee][fe][dc][cb][ck][qc][qd][kd][ci][bj][go][cg][he] LB[cg:2][gh:1][ph:3] C[Problem 79. Black to play. The game in Problem 75 continued with the exchange of White 1 for Black 2. White then invaded the right side with 3. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[og] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should go on the attack with 1 ... ] ;W[oh];B[nh] C[... and 3. ] ;W[oi] LB[oh:2] C[White must escape with 2 and 4. ] ;B[ng] C[Black connects at 5 (the aggressive Black 5 at A is also possible, but it could lead to complications), ... ] ;W[oj];B[pk];W[ok];B[ol];W[nl];B[om];W[lj] C[... White makes shape with the sequence to 12, but, in doing so, she helps Black secure territory on the lower right. ] ;B[ih] C[Black now caps with 13, attacking the white stones on the left and the ones on the right. ] ;W[lh] C[After exchanging 14 ... ] ;B[me] LB[pq:B] C[... for Black 15, White still has to escape with her stones on the right, so Black will be able to take a huge territory on the left. Finally, Black should aim to enclose the lower right corner with B. <= ] ) (;B[lq] C[How the game continued. The pincer of Black 1 was an interesting idea, but ... ] ;W[pq];B[qq];W[qp];B[qo];W[rp];B[oq];W[pr];B[po];W[qr] TR[nq] C[... it enabled White to live in the corner with the sequence to 10. Moreover, the marked stone still had some aji remaining. See Problem 83 for the continuation. <= ] ) )