(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[pg][nq][pn][om][pl][lj][mm][pq][qq] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][mc][jq][on][oo][nj][mk][mp][qp] LB[nj:1][lj:2][mk:3][mm:4] C[Problem 78. Black to play. The game in Problem 74 continued with the sequence to White 4. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[mq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black's stones in the lower right are a bit thin, but Black can attack White and thicken his stones by blocking at 1. ] ;W[np] LB[or:A] C[White must defend against the peep of Black A, ... ] ;B[no];W[mr];B[lr] (;W[nr] C[... so he plays the sequence to White 6. ] ;B[mn];W[lm];B[lk] C[The sequence continues to Black 9 and White has a hard fight ahead of her in trying to save her group in the lower right. <= ] ) (;W[mo] C[If White cuts at 6, ... ] ;B[nr] C[... Black will cut at 7.) <= ] )) (;B[lk] C[How the game continued. Black defended his stones in the middle with 1, but this left the black stones below unsettled. ] ;W[ln] C[White attacked with 2 ... ] ;B[lo] C[See Problem 82 for the way Black should have answered White 2. ] ;W[ko] C[... and 4, ... ] ;B[lp];W[lr] C[... then defended by sliding to 6. ] ;B[kq];W[ip] C[After White 8, the nine black stones were just a long thin string, without any eye-making potential. ] ) )