(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nc][dm][cf][hc][cd][bc][de][be][ch][kb] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][pf][fp][fd][dg][cc][bb][ed][ac][kd] TR[kd][kb] C[Problem 77. Black to play. After the exchange of the marked black and white stones (Black 1 - White 2 in Problem 73), where should Black play ? ] (;B[ei] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a thick move which defends the marked stone and attacks the white stones above and below. ] ;W[gm] LB[ff:C][ef:B][ad:A] C[Jumping to White 2 next is the best move. The white stones in the upper left are quite resilient since White can start a ko at A. If White escapes into the center with B, Black will attach at C and he'll get a thick wall in the center. <= ] ) (;B[ef] C[How the game continued. Black played the diagonal move of 1, but ... ] ;W[cj] C[... this allowed White to attach with 2, ... ] ;B[ck];W[dk] LB[ei:A] C[... then cut with 4, throwing the left side into a free-for-all fight. Playing 1 in the Correct Answer (A here) prevents White from making sabaki on the left side. <= ] ) )