(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nc][nq][cq][dq][fq][cn][dm][hc][be][ed][db][eb][ec][fd][df][dh][cl][cj][pc][ob][qb] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][pf][qm][ip][co][dn][en][fc][cm][bd][ce][de][ee][fe][dc][cb][ck][qc][qd][kd] TR[cl] C[Problem 75. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone (12 in Problem 67). How should Black respond ? ] (;B[bn] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Capturing with Black 1 is the only move. ] ;W[dk] C[White will atari with 2 and ... ] ;B[bk] (;W[bl];B[ek];W[dl];B[ci] (;W[bj];B[bi];W[ak];B[di] C[... the sequence to Black 11 is one variation. ] ;W[fm];B[go] LB[fm:12] C[Next, White and Black escape into the center with 12 and 13. This result is a success for Black, since he has swallowed up the white stones in the upper left. <= ] ) (;W[di] C[If White 8 here, ... ] ;B[ej];W[bj];B[bi];W[ak];B[bg] C[... Black will play the sequence to 13. <= ] )) (;W[ej] C[White 4 here would be better. <= ] )) (;B[ci] C[How the game continued. Black captured a stone with 1 ... ] ;W[bm];B[bj] C[... and 3, but ... ] ;W[bo] LB[bm:2] C[... White also captured one with 2 and then linked up with 4, taking profit in the lower left and leaving Black's stones unsettled, ... ] ;B[go] C[... so Black ran away with 5. The three white stones above were weakened by Black's ponnuki, but they still have more potential to escape than in the Correct Answer. See Problem 79 for the continuation. <= ] ) )