(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[pg][nq][pn][om][pl] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][mc][jq][on][oo] LB[pg:1][mc:2][nq:3][jq:4][pn:5][on:6][om:7][oo:8][pl:9] C[Problem 74. Black to play. How should Black respond when White makes the diagonal connection of 9 ? ] (;B[qq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should anchor his three stones in the corner with 1. This move deprives White of a counterplay and leaves the three white stones on the right side and the one at the bottom weak. ] ;W[kp] C[White might try to escape with 2 ... ] ;B[jp];W[ko] C[... and 4, but ... ] ;B[jo] LB[jp:3] C[... Black keeps White hemmed in with 3 and 5. ] ;W[kn] C[When White extends to 6, ... ] ;B[mr] C[... Black slides to 7, ... ] ;W[mp] C[... forcing White to defend at 8. ] ;B[nm] C[Next, Black leans on the white group on the right with 9 ... ] ;W[nl];B[ml];W[mm];B[nn];W[nk];B[mk] C[... to 15. ] ;W[nj] C[After White extends to 16, ... ] ;B[im] C[... Black jumps to 17 and the white group at the bottom right is almost dead. <= ] ) (;B[mp] C[How the game continued. Black attacked the white stones at the bottom with 1, but ... ] ;W[qq] C[... White invaded the corner with 2. ] ;B[qp] C[After Black 3, ... ] ;W[pq] LB[np:A] C[... White lived with 4. Next, White was threatening to attack with A. Since Black's stones to the right were not secure, Black had a hard time making territory. See Problem 78 for the continuation. <= ] ) )