(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nc][cf][bd][hc][ge][dg][ch][fh][cn][dn] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][pf][fd][cc][kd][df][ef][bc][co][fp] TR[fh] C[Problem 69. Black to play. Later in the game in Problem 65, White jumped out into the center with the marked stone. Where should Black play next ? ] (;B[fj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black jumps out into the center with 1 to relieve the pressure on his stone on the left while putting pressure on the white stones below. ] ;W[fn] C[If White jumps to 2, ... ] ;B[ci] C[... Black will attach with 3 to keep White restricted to the upper left and ensuing that the three white stones below are isolated. ] ;W[bi] C[Since White hasn't got eyes yet, ... ] ;B[bj];W[di];B[cj];W[gg] C[... she links up with 8. ] ;B[hj] C[Finally, Black jumps to 9 and dominates the center. <= ] ) (;B[dl] C[How the game continued. Black directly attacked the two white stones with 1, denying them a base. ] ;W[fn];B[gl];W[hn] C[But this move enabled White to get ahead Black in the race toward the center. ] ;B[hp] C[After Black defended with 5, ... ] ;W[il] C[... White turned the tables on Black by attacking his three stones on the left with the cap of 6. <= ] ) )