(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fq][fr][fo][fm][kq][nq][np][fl][em][eo][ip][im][kn] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][eq][dn][hq][ho][oq][pn][jj][do][dm][ek][el][hp][io] LB[io:1][kn:2] C[Problem 68. Black to play. After White 10 in Problem 64, Black turned at 1 and White blocked at 2. What should Black do about his four stones now trapped at the bottom ? ] ;B[hm] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black has pretty much lost his four stones at the bottom, but the White stones confining them from above are a bit thin, so, if he attaches with 1 ... ] ;W[hl];B[il] C[... and cuts at 3, he should be able to get some compensation. ] ;W[jm] C[White must draw back with 4 and ... ] ;B[gl] C[... Black ataris with 5. ] (;W[hn];B[hk];W[in];B[fk] LB[gn:A] C[With the sequence to 9, Black has made a thick wall on the outside. Even though the four black stones at the bottom are almost captured, there is still some aji remaining at A that could come to life later in the game. <= ] ) (;W[hk] LB[gl:5] C[Unreasonable. In answer to Black 5, it is unreasonable for White to extend to 6 here. ] ;B[gm] C[Black will connect at 7 and ... ] ;W[gk];B[fk] C[... a capturing race materialises after Black cuts at 9. Black has more liberties and, even if White can create some aji in the corner, the worst Black can get is a seki. <= ] ) )