(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nc][nq][cq][dq][fq][cn][dm][hc][be][ed] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][pf][qm][ip][co][dn][en][fc][cm][bd] LB[ed:2][bd:1] C[Problem 67. Black to play. The game in Problem 63 continued with Black defending the corner with 1 and White attaching at 2. What should Black do now ? ] (;B[ee] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black has the choice of taking the corner or building a wall. Since he is rather thick below, he prefers to have a wall facing towards the bottom, so he will hane on top with 1. ] ;W[dc] C[White next plays 2 ... ] ;B[cd];W[ec] C[... and 4 and, ... ] ;B[fd];W[fb];B[gb];W[eb];B[gc];W[bb];B[df];W[bc] LB[ab:A] C[... up to 12, she is alive, but confined to the corner. Note, that if White omits this move, Black A kills the corner. ] ;B[hd] C[Black has made a thick wall facing down the left side and across the top. This is a great success for Black. <= ] ) (;B[ce] C[How the game continued. Black actually did make a wall facing down the left side with 1 ... ] ;W[ec];B[dc];W[eb];B[ee];W[fd];B[fe];W[db] (;B[cb] LB[db:8] C[... and he got the corner territory, too, but his wall was not as thick as in the Correct Answer because White established a position at the top with the sequence to 8 and ... ] ;W[df] C[... somewhat nullified the influence of Black's wall with 10 ... ] ;B[de];W[dh] C[... and 12. See Problem 71 for the continuation. <= ] ) (;B[he] C[Black should have played 9 here to increase the breadth of his moyo. <= ] )) )