(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ce][cf][dg][ch][dm] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][cd][df][ef][fp] LB[dm:1][fp:2][cf:3][df:4][dg:5][ef:6][ce:7][cd:8][ch:9] C[Problem 66. Black to play. How should Black answer White 9 ? ] (;B[fd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a thick move which aims to attack the white stones on the left. ] ;W[fh] C[White must run away with 2. See Problem 70 for the continuation. <= ] ) (;B[jc] C[Variation. Taking the big point at the top with 1 is also good. ] ;W[de] C[Black need not worry about White pushing through with 2 ... ] ;B[ed];W[ee];B[fd];W[fe] C[... to 6 ... ] ;B[gd] C[... because he will take the territory at the top with the sequence to 7. The two stones White gains are not enough compensation for the profit Black gains at the top. <= ] ) )