(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nc][cf][bd][hc][ge] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][pf][fd][cc][kd] LB[ge:9][kd:8][nc:1][pf:2][cf:3][fd:4][bd:5][cc:6][hc:7] C[Problem 65. Black to play. How should Black answer White 9 ? ] (;B[ff] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Jumping out to Black 1 makes good shape. ] ;W[dh] C[If White defends the left side with 2, ... ] ;B[fh] C[... Black will jump to 3. ] ;W[fe] C[Black need not worry about White cutting through with 4 ... ] ;B[ee];W[ef] C[... and 6. ] ;B[df] C[Black will atari with 7, ... ] ;W[eg];B[gd];W[hd];B[he];W[gf];B[fg];W[hf];B[ie] C[... then power his way through White's position with the sequence to 15. ] ;W[if];B[id];W[dg];B[ic] C[Up to 19, Black has taken a big profit at the top and dominates the center. <= ] ) (;B[df] C[How the game continued. Black attached with 1 ... ] ;W[dg];B[ef] C[... and extended to 3. ] ;W[ch];B[bc] LB[ch:4][dg:2] C[He then secured the corner with 5. White also secured her stones with 2 and 4 in sente, so this result was less satisfactory for Black. See Problem 69 for the continuation. <= ] ) )