(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fq][fr][fo][fm][kq][nq][np] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][eq][dn][hq][ho][oq][pn][jj] LB[fm:13][fo:3][fq:1][fr:5][eq:4][dn:6][ho:8][hq:2][kq:7][nq:9] LB[np:11][oq:10][pn:12] C[Problem 64. Black to play. What should Black do after White jumps to 13 ? ] (;B[jq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Attaching with 21 gives the black stones breathing room. ] ;W[ep] C[White must secure her stones on the left with 2, but ... ] ;B[eo] C[... after exchanging 3 ... ] ;W[fp] C[... for 4, ... ] ;B[kp] C[... Black gets to play another move on the bottom with 5. ] ;W[dq] C[Next, White makes eye shape with 6 ... ] ;B[cq];W[dr] C[... and 8, ... ] ;B[cp];W[lq] C[... then defends her stones on the right with 10. ] ;B[jo] C[When Black plays 11, all of his stones are secure, but the white stones on the right are still vulnerable. <= ] ) (;B[fp] C[Variation. Black could have wedged in with 1 and ... ] ;W[gp];B[ep];W[hp];B[go];W[ip];B[fn] LB[er:A] C[... cut off the two white stones above with the sequence to 7. Black gets a thick wall on the left, but White's stones at the bottom are secure. Later, the point A is Black's privilege. <= ] ) (;B[el] C[How the game continued. Black expanded his territory along the left side with 1 ... ] ;W[fl];B[ek] C[... and 3, but ... ] ;W[ip] C[... after peeping with 4 and ... ] ;B[hp];W[eo] LB[fp:A] C[... playing forcing moves with 6 (note that this move eliminated the aji of Black A) ... ] ;B[do];W[em] C[... and 8, ] ;B[dm];W[im] C[... White staked out a big moyo with 10. See Problem 68 for the continuation. <= ] ) )