(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dl][em][dn][fq][hq][qf][qm][ho][gn][fl][in][ip][jp][ko][lp][lq] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][en][eo][cq][jq][np][nd][fm][hn][io][gm][hm][jo][jn][kq][kp] TR[lq] C[Problem 62. Black to play. How should Black continue after White plays the marked stone (12 in Problem 58) ? ] ;B[lo] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should cut with 1. ] ;W[kn] C[After exchanging White 2 ... ] ;B[jm] C[... for 3, Black is still threatening to capture two white stones in a ladder, so ... ] ;W[ln] C[... White must turn at 4. ] (;B[mo] C[Extending to 5 keeps the game simple. ] ;W[lr] C[White must descend to 6, ... ] ;B[mm] C[... enabling Black to set up a squeeze with 7 and ... ] ;W[iq];B[lm] C[... build massive thickness in the center and ... ] ;W[jr] C[... ending in sente. White has secured her stones at the bottom with some profit. Her four stones on the left are extremely vulnerable and Black can now use his thickness in the center to attack them. <= ] ) (;B[lr] LB[mo:@] C[How the game continued. Instead of @ in the Correct Answer, Black could also hane with 5 here. ] ;W[mr];B[mq];W[mo];B[kr];W[nr];B[mp];W[lo];B[no];W[iq] C[After White 14, ... ] ;B[mm] C[... Black again sets up a squeeze with 15, but it's not as simple as it was before. ] ;W[km] C[White might push out with 16 and ... ] ;B[kl];W[jl] LB[kl:17] C[... atari with 18 if Black blocks at 17, so Black will have a hard time confining White to the side. <= ] ) )