(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[qf][cn][hq][nq][fl][dl][cp][co][bp][dg][cg] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fc][nc][fq][qm][fj][bo][bq][cq][fo][cf] TR[cg] C[Problem 61. Black to play. After White played the marked stone in Problem 57, what was the best way for Black to continue ? ] (;B[df] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. It is usually not a good idea to chase stones from behind with a move like Black 1 because it strengthens the opponent, but here it's an emergency measure which stops White from making sabaki. This move also reinforces Black's corner. ] ;W[eg] C[If White extends to 2, ... ] ;B[hj] C[... jumping out into the center with Black 3 is good style because it prepares for an attack on White's stones above. ] ;W[hg] C[Even if White jumps out to 4, Black can concentrate on attacking because his stones above are secure. <= ] ) (;B[gg] C[How the game continued. Black tried to confine White on a large scale with 1, ... ] ;W[ce] C[... but White was able to make sabaki by clamping with 2 ... ] (;B[df];W[bf];B[cd];W[de];B[ef];W[ee] C[... and playing the sequence to 8. Black's attack failed. <= ] ) (;B[cd] C[Black should have played 3 here. ] ;W[bf] C[If White 4 next, ... ] ;B[bd] C[... Black 5 would secure the corner. <= ] )) )