(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[gd][nc][mf][lp][mp][nq][mr][or][pq][qq][qn][ph][rh] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][df][pf][qp][op][np][oq][no][mo][lo][jp][qj][gf] LB[rh:2][qj:1] TR[ph] C[Problem 59. Black to play. When White played the marked stone in Problem 55, Black defended with the iron pillar of 1. What should he do if White jumps down with 2 ? ] (;B[og] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The diagonal move of Black 1 is severe. ] ;W[oi] C[White must escape into the center with 2 ... ] ;B[oj];W[ni] C[... and 4. ] ;B[mg] C[Black keeps up the pressure by leaning on the white stone above with 5 ... ] ;W[lg];B[mh] C[... and 7, ... ] ;W[nj] C[... forcing White to run away with 8 ... ] ;B[nk];W[mk];B[nl];W[lj] C[... to 12. But these moves induce Black to make a large territory on the lower left. ] ;B[lf] C[Next, Black cuts at 13. ] ;W[nf] C[If White extends to 14, ... ] ;B[oh] C[... Black exchanges 15 ... ] ;W[pi] C[... for 16, ... ] ;B[kg] C[... then ataris with 17 ... ] ;W[lh];B[li];W[kh];B[ki] C[... to 21. ] ;W[jh];B[mi] C[After Black exchanges 23 ... ] ;W[mj] C[... for 24, ... ] ;B[kl] C[... Black casts a net with 25 and the white group on the right is in trouble. <= ] ) (;B[ng] LB[og:@] C[Variation. Black could also play the knight's move of 1, but it is not as decisive as the move @ in the Correct Answer. ] ;W[oi];B[nk];W[mi];B[mg];W[lg];B[lf] C[Still, White is in trouble when Black cuts with 7. <= ] ) )