(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dl][em][dn][fq][hq][qf][qm][ho][gn][fl] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][en][eo][cq][jq][np][nd][fm][hn][io] LB[fl:4][fm:3][gn:2][hn:1] TR[ho] C[Problem 58. Black to play. After White attached with the marked stone (see Problem 54), Black haned with 1, then exchanged 3 for 4. How should Black continue ? ] (;B[hp] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should atari with 1. ] (;W[go] C[If White connects with 2, ... ] ;B[gp] C[... Black pushes through with 3. ] ;W[fp] C[If White 4, ... ] ;B[ip] LB[gm:B][fo:A] C[... Black connects at 5 and the points A and B are miai. White has lost her stones at the bottom . <= ] ) (;W[gp] LB[hp:1] C[Variation. In response to Black 1, White can resist with 2 ... ] ;B[go];W[fo] C[... and 4, but ... ] ;B[ho] LB[gm:B][fn:A] C[... Black connects with 5 and White's stones are again trapped, since A and B are miai. <= ] )) (;B[gm] TR[fl] C[How the game continued. When White haned with the marked stone, Black extended to 1. ] ;W[in] C[This gave White the chance ... ] ;B[hm];W[ip];B[jo];W[jp];B[kp];W[ko] C[... to cut through with the sequence to 8 and ... ] ;B[jn];W[lp] C[... cut off the three black stones at the bottom with 10 ... ] ;B[kq];W[lq] C[... and 12. <= ] ) )