(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[gd][nc][mf][lp][mp][nq][mr][or][pq][qq][qn] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][df][pf][qp][op][np][oq][no][mo][lo][jp] TR[mf] C[Problem 55. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone with the dual intention of building a moyo at the top and reducing the scale of Black's moyo on the right. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[qj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should reinforce his territory on the right with an 'iron pillar' at 1. ] ;W[gf] C[If White jumps to 2, Black need not worry about White's moyo at the top. ] (;B[pb] LB[lc:A] C[Black can simply defend the corner with 3 and aim to invade the top at A. <= ] ) (;B[mh] LB[pb:@] C[Variation. Black 3 is an even stronger move than @. ] ;W[qc] C[If White invades the corner with 4, ... ] ;B[pc];W[pb];B[qd];W[rb];B[rc] C[... Black plays the sequence to 9, ending in sente. ] ;W[qb];B[kh] C[He then jumps to 11 and builds a vast moyo in the center. <= ] )) (;B[gf] C[How the game continued. Capping with 1 was a good move, too, but ... ] ;W[ph] C[... it let White start operations on the right with 2. ] ;B[qj] C[Again, the 'iron pillar' of Black 3 is the key move. ] ;W[nh] C[If White 4, ... ] ;B[qh] C[... Black links up with 5. <= ] ) )