(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[qf][cn][hq][nq][dg] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fc][nc][fq][qm] LB[hq:9][fq:8][cn:7][qf:1][nc:2][nq:3][qm:4][fc:6][dg:5] C[Problem 53. Black to play. How should Black respond to White 9 ? ] (;B[bp] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Defending the corner with Black 1 is big, about 15 points. It also deprives White of a base for her stone in the lower left. ] ;W[dl] LB[dm:A] C[Black is threatening to engulf this stone with A, so White extends to 2. ] ;B[fj] LB[fl:B][fg:C] C[Next, Black jumps to 3, threatening to cap at either B or C. Jumping out into the center like this is always a good move in handicap games because Black ensures that this stone won't be attacked, he keeps the white stones separated, and he can attack one of the white groups. <= ] ) (;B[fo] C[How the game continued. Black jumped to 1. This was a slack move ... ] ;W[bp] C[... because it allowed White to settle her stones on the left by sliding to 2 ... ] ;B[bo];W[co];B[bq];W[cp];B[cq];W[dl] C[... and playing the sequence to 8. See Problem 57 for the continuation. <= ] ) )