(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][qf][nq][ql][md][ol] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][df][nd][jc][pr][qn] TR[md] C[Problem 52. Black to play. How should Black continue after White attaches with the marked stone (White 4 in the game in Problem 48) ? ] (;B[ne] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black extends to 1, reaching out to the lone stone on the right. ] ;W[kd] C[If White tries to escape at the top with 2 ... ] ;B[jd];W[ke];B[je];W[kf] C[... to 6, ... ] ;B[ig] C[... Black is satisfied with the influence he gets in the top after jumping to 7. This is a great success for Black, since all of White's stones are unsettled. <= ] ) (;B[mc] C[How the game continued. Black haned at 1 ... ] ;W[lc] C[... and White followed with another hane at 2. ] ;B[ld];W[me];B[le];W[nc];B[mb];W[mf];B[nb];W[lf] C[Up to 10, White built thickness in the center and a moyo began to emerge. ] ;B[je];W[ic];B[kc] C[With 13, Black got some territory at the top, but it was quite small compared to White's influence in the center. ] ;W[if] C[White 14 was on the vital point and this move enabled White to expand her influence on an even grander scale. <= ] ) )