(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][qf][nq][ql] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][df][nd][jc] LB[fc:1][df:2][qf:3][nd:4][jc:6][nq:5][ql:7] C[Problem 48. Black to play. How should Black respond to White 7 ? ] (;B[np] LB[qn:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Since White has a stone on the upper right side, it doesn't make sense to attack at A as in Problem 43. ] ;W[mp];B[no];W[oq];B[pq] C[Instead, Black can make good shape with the attach-and-extend joseki with the sequence to Black 5. ] ;W[qj] C[If White next attaches at 6, ... ] ;B[kp] C[... Black will attack the white stones at the bottom with 7 ... ] ;W[mo];B[mn] C[... and 9, ... ] ;W[lo];B[pn] C[... then defend his position with 11. ] ;W[pi] LB[qi:A] C[White can't neglect 12, since the hane of Black A is too severe to allow. ] ;B[lr] C[Next, Black attacks White ... ] ;W[mq];B[jn] (;W[km];B[jm];W[kl];B[jl];W[kk];B[ij] C[... with the sequence to 21, building a large-scale moyo in the lower left. <= ] ) (;W[ko] LB[jn:15] C[Variation. In answer to Black 15, it is unreasonable for White to cut through with 16 ... ] ;B[jo];W[jp] C[... and 18. ] ;B[ip];W[jq];B[iq];W[jr];B[ir];W[kq];B[js];W[ks];B[is] C[White lives, but Black can squeeze her with the sequence to 27, building a thick position on the bottom left. ] ;W[kr] C[Finally, White must defend at 28 in gote, so Black can now switch to the upper left and attack the white stone there. <= ] )) (;B[qn] C[How the game continued. Black pincered with 1 ... ] ;W[ol] C[... and White jumped to 2. ] ;B[pr] C[Defending the corner with 3 was territorially tight, but it didn't solve the problem of the weak black stone on the right side. ] ;W[md] C[In relation to this, White 4 was a bit troublesome. See Problem 52 for the continuation. <= ] ) )