(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][jd][nc][ql][mp][nq][qc][pb][qb][re][qp] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][pf][df][jp][jj][qj][np][no][pc][ob][oc][nd] LB[qj:1][qc:2][pc:3][pb:4][ob:5][qb:6][oc:7][re:8][nd:9][nq:10] LB[np:11][mp:12][no:13][qp:14] C[Problem 47. Black to play. Black answered the marked stone in Problem 43 with 1. White then invaded the corner with 2 and lived in sente with the sequence to 8. Next, White started operations at the bottom with 10. How should Black continue after White attaches at 14 ? ] (;B[qq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. It is not possible to kill the white stones, so Black should confine White in the corner and take as much profit as possible. To this end, Black 1 is the strongest move. ] ;W[pq];B[oq];W[pr];B[qo];W[rp];B[rq] LB[ro:B][or:A] C[After 7, the points A and B are miai. That is, if White A, Black plays B, capturing two stones; if White B, Black plays A, again capturing two stones and taking the corner territory. <= ] ) (;B[pq] C[How the game continued. Descending to Black 1 was lukewarm. ] ;W[qq] C[White was able to live in the corner with 2 ... ] ;B[qo];W[ro] C[... and 4. Moreover, the aji of the white stone above has come to life, so this makes the game more difficult for Black. White's stones here were now settled and she took profit in both the upper and lower right corners. See Problem 51 for the continuation. <= ] ) )