(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[hc][dg][cn][dn][nc][fn][hn][cd][bd][de][gc][id][gg] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fd][co][fp][pf][dl][gk][hp][ce][be][fc][hd][he] LB[cd:1][bd:11][be:4][ce:2][de:3][gg:5][gc:9][fc:10][hd:6][he:8] LB[id:7] C[Problem 46. Black to play. After White 1 (White 6 in Problem 42), a sharp clash ensued in the upper left corner. How should Black respond to White 11 ? ] (;B[bg] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black jumps to 1, increasing the liberties of his two stones. ] (;W[dc];B[ed];W[eb];B[fb];W[bb] C[White can live in the corner with the sequence to 6, but, ... ] ;B[df];W[ee];B[ef];W[fe];B[gf] C[... up to 11, Black secures his stones, while White's two stones below are left without a base. <= ] ) (;W[ch] LB[bg:1] C[Variation. If White plays 2 in response to 1, ... ] ;B[dc];W[bb];B[cb];W[bc];B[df];W[ee];B[ef];W[fe];B[ff];W[ge];B[gf];W[gd];B[ba] C[... Black will take the corner with the sequence to 15. Moreover, the three white stones in the center are almost lost. Black has won the game. <= ] )) (;B[bc] C[How the game continued. Black seemed to be under an illusion that 1 was a tesuji, but ... ] ;W[cc];B[ad];W[dc] C[... the black stones on the left were dead after White 4 ... ] ;B[ed];W[cf] C[... and 6. Black 1 in the Correct Answer was the only move. <= ] ) )