(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[nd][qf][pm][mc][md][rf][pg][ph][of][ng] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][jd][jj][np][nc][oc][pe][pf][qe][re][og] TR[ng] C[Problem 44. Black to play. How should Black continue after White played the marked stone (White 14 in Problem 40) ? ] (;B[oh] TR[jj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Because of the presence of the marked stone, the ladder is in Black's favour, so he should immediately run away with 1. ] ;W[oi];B[nh];W[pi] LB[oi:2] C[White plays 2 and 4, establishing a strong position on the right side, but, ... ] ;B[mh] LB[le:A][ok:B][nh:3] C[... after Black 3 and 5, Black dominates the center and he is threatening to attack the white stones at the top with A or split White's position on the right side with B. <= ] ) (;B[jp] C[How the game continued. Black 1 was a slack move. ] ;W[oh] C[It enabled White to remove her bad aji by capturing at 2. White now had a thick position radiating throughout the whole board. Allowing White to get such a thick position in the center is a sure recipe for defeat. A priority for White in handicap games is to remove any bad aji as soon as possible. <= ] ) )