(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[hc][dg][cn][dn][nc] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fd][co][fp][pf] LB[nc:1][pf:2][cn:3][co:4][dn:5][fp:6][dg:7][fd:8][hc:9] C[Problem 42. Black to play. As in Problem 39, White attacks the weak underbelly of the two black stones with 9. How should Black play in this position ? ] (;B[fj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should keep the white stones separated by jumping to 1. ] (;W[gm] C[If White jumps out into the center with 2, ... ] ;B[fg] C[... Black will cap with 3. After Black 3, White can live in the upper left, but Black will become strong on the outside, so he can invade at the top. <= ] ) (;W[gg] C[If White 2 here, ... ] ;B[fn] C[... Black caps with B. In this case, Black has no need to worry about his two stones in the upper left; they can easily live. <= ] )) (;B[dl] C[How the game continued. Attacking with Black 1 was an overplay. ] ;W[fn];B[gk];W[hn];B[hp] LB[gk:3][fn:2][hn:4] C[The sequence to Black 5 severely pressed White, but her stones escaped into the center with 2 and 4. ] ;W[cd] C[She then attached at the top with 6 and was able to live easily. All Black managed to accomplish was to split the white groups above and below, leaving White free to create complications in the upper left. See Problem 46 for the continuation. <= ] ) )