(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[hc][cf][nc] AB[pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fd][pf] LB[nc:1][pf:2][cf:3][fd:4][hc:5] C[Problem 39. Black to play. White attacks the two black stones in the upper left at their weak underbelly with 5. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[ce] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should first attach with 1, ... ] ;W[df] C[... forcing White to stand with 2. ] ;B[ge] C[If Black next moves out into the center with 3, ... ] ;W[jd] C[... White's stones at the top need reinforcement, so she defends with 4. ] ;B[dh] C[Black now attacks with 5 ... ] ;W[eg];B[gj];W[gg];B[ie] C[... to 9, ... ] ;W[ig] LB[gg:8][eg:6] C[... forcing White to move out into the center with 6 to 10. ] ;B[je] C[Black now leans on the white group at the top with 11 ... ] ;W[kd];B[ke] C[... and 13, then ... ] ;W[kg];B[ld];W[lc];B[le];W[md];B[ic];W[id];B[hd];W[ib];B[gc];W[hb];B[hh];W[hg];B[kc];W[jc];B[kb] C[... squeezes it with the sequence to 29. ] ;W[jb];B[oc] C[When Black plays 31, White's stones at the top have bad aji and her stones in the center are heavy and lack eyes. <= ] ) (;B[ge] C[The order of moves. Black 1 is a splendid move ... ] ;W[jd] C[... that requires a white response at the top. ] ;B[ce] LB[ge:1][df:A] C[But, with the black stone of 1 in place, White will not play A in response to Black 3. ] ;W[cn] LB[df:A] C[Instead, she will approach in the lower left with 4. This is a subtle point, but a strong player never makes a move like A which clearly leads to a bad position. It is better to play elsewhere and wait to see how the situation in the upper left develops. <= ] ) )