(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cf][gj][cn][dn][en][fm][gm][cm][hm][hn] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fd][dm][em][fl][fn][gn][fp][gl][hl] TR[hn] C[Problem 38. Black to play. After White turns with the marked stone (White 4 in Problem 35), what should Black do ? ] (;B[il] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Extending to Black 1 is a powerful move which affects the entire board. ] ;W[gp] C[White tries to make shape for her stones on the right with 2 ... ] ;B[fo];W[ho] C[... and 4, ... ] ;B[cp] C[... while Black settles the corner with 5. White now has two groups in trouble. ] (;W[jn] C[If she runs away with 6, ... ] ;B[dk] C[... Black will defend with 7 and the four white stones will eventually die. <= ] ) (;W[dk] LB[jn:A] TR[hn] C[On the other hand, if White attaches at 6 and rescues her four stones on the left, the six white stones on the right will die after Black shuts White in with A. Now you can see why White 4 (the marked stone) in the game in Problem 35 was a bad move. <= ] )) (;B[ho] C[How the game continued. Black defended the bottom with 1 ... ] ;W[io];B[hp] C[... and 3. ] ;W[il];B[ik];W[jl];B[hk];W[jk] TR[gj] C[It didn't matter that the four white stones were short of liberties because the marked white stone suddenly came to life when White haned at 8. <= ] ) )