(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dg][fj][cl][cn][dn][en][fn][gn][hm][il][di][ei][fk][dl][ek] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fd][dm][em][fm][gm][fp][gp][hl][hk][jj][ej][cj][fi][gi][gl] TR[ek] C[Problem 37. Black to play. This was the position reached in Problem 34. How should Black respond after White turns with the marked stone ? ] (;B[cm] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should cut through with 1 ... ] ;W[bm];B[bn] C[... and 3. ] ;W[bl] C[Since Black is now threatening to rescue his three stones above, White must connect at 4. Next ... ] ;B[bo] C[... Black draws back with 5, securing a big profit in the corner. ] ;W[ep] C[Black has to be careful of the wedge-in of White 6; ... ] ;B[dq] C[... Black 7 is the best response. ] ;W[in] C[In the end, White has to go back and defend with 8, ... ] ;B[eq] C[... while Black secures the bottom with 9. White's stones in the bottom left still have no eyes, so Black can expect to make additional gains by attacking them. <= ] ) (;B[im] C[How the game continued. By cutting with 1 ... ] ;W[hn];B[jm] C[... and extending to 3, Black lost his chance for a big gain in the lower left corner. ] ;W[bp] LB[bl:D][bn:C][bm:B][cm:A] C[White slid to 4 and now the sequence Black A - White B - Black C no longer works because White connects at D and the black stone at C can be captured. <= ] ) )