(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dg][fj][cn][dn][fo][gc][gd][fe][eg][fg][dh][fl][ep][eo][hp][ho][go] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][fc][dm][em][fp][ec][ef][ei][eh][fh][gh][fn][eq][cp][gp][hq][ip] TR[fe] C[Problem 36. Black to play. This position was later reached in the game in Problem 28. How should Black respond when White plays the marked stone ? ] (;B[ce] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White's group at the top and the bottom are weak, while Black's positions at the top and bottom are strong, but both of Black's groups need some reinforcement. The diagonal move of 1 strengthens Black's corner while robbing the white stones of their base, so ... ] ;W[gg] C[... White must move out into the center, ... ] ;B[hh] C[... inducing Black to move into the center as well. ] ;W[dq] C[But White must now look after her group at the bottom. She cuts at 4, and ... ] ;B[er];W[dr];B[fq];W[bq];B[cq];W[cr];B[br];W[bs];B[ar];W[aq];B[ds];W[as] C[... the sequence continues up to White 16. Next, ... ] ;B[br];W[ar];B[es];W[bp];B[cs];W[cm] C[... the sequence continues up to White 22 and both the black and white groups in the lower left corner are stabilised. ] ;B[if] C[However, Black ends with sente and he can build a moyo in the right with 23. White's stones in the upper left can eventually live in gote, but Black has taken a big lead. <= ] ) (;B[mc] C[How the game continued. Black defended the upper right with 1. This was a lukewarm move, ... ] ;W[bd];B[cc];W[bc];B[bb];W[ab];B[cb];W[ce] C[... since it gave White the chance to expand her position in the upper left with the sequence to 8. Making eyes for this group was now easy. ] ;B[fb] C[Black ended in gote when he defended at 9. With her group at the top settled, White could concentrate on the problem of her weak stones on the left side. <= ] ) )