(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cf][gj][cn][dn][en][fm][gm][cm] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fd][dm][em][fl][fn][gn][fp] LB[fd:2][cf:1][cn:3][fp:4][gj:5][dm:6][dn:7][em:8][en:9][fn:10] LB[fm:11][fl:12][gm:13][gn:14][cm:15] C[Problem 35. Black to play. In this variation, White turns with 15. How should Black continue ? Note the high position of White 5. ] (;B[hm] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Even if the ladder doesn't work. Black 1 is the strongest move because, ... ] ;W[gl] C[... after White escapes with 2, ... ] ;B[gk];W[hl];B[hk] LB[gk:3] C[... the ataris of 3 and 5 maximise Black's wall in the center and neutralise the white stone there. ] ;W[il];B[ek] LB[ik:C][cq:B][bp:A] C[Next, Black falls back to fix up his shape with 7. The four white stones on the left still do not have two eyes, so White has to play around A. Black answers with B and White's stones are still not secure. Next, Black can attack the five white stones in the center with C and increase the strength of his wall in the center. <= ] ) (;B[gl] C[How the game continued. Black simply ataried with 1 ... ] ;W[hm] (;B[hl] C[... and pushed out with 3. This move is absolutely necessary. ] (;W[hn] C[White turned at 4. <= ] ) (;W[im] C[If White had extended to 4 here, she would have had more room to maneuver. <= ] )) (;B[ek] C[If Black had played 3 here, ... ] ;W[hl] C[... White would have turned at 4, confining Black's stones to the right side. <= ] )) )