(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dg][fj][cn][dn][fo][eo] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][fc][dm][em][fp][fn] TR[eo] C[Problem 32. Black to play. After White draws back with the marked stone (White 2 in Problem 28), what is the correct move for Black ? ] ;B[go] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black must block with 1 ... ] ;W[ep] C[... even though White can cut through with 2 ... ] ;B[eq] (;W[fq] C[... and 4. ] ;B[gp];W[dq];B[er];W[dr];B[fr];W[cp] LB[ei:A] C[Black must give White the corner with the sequence to 10, but he gets a moyo at the bottom in exchange. Now that Black's stones are strong, he can split the two white stones on the left in two with a move around A. <= ] ) (;W[gn] C[Unreasonable for White. Cutting on the outside with White 4 is unreasonable. ] ;B[gq];W[ho];B[gp];W[gm] C[After White extends to 8, ... ] ;B[cm] C[... Black 9 kills the stones in the corner. ] ;W[dq] C[If White cuts at 10, ... ] ;B[cq];W[dr];B[bp] C[... Black plays the sequence to 13. <= ] ) )