(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cn][co][dm][ek][ed][ee][dg][cg][gj][gl][fl][em][cb][db][dc][cd][df][bf] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][cp][dn][en][cf][eh][gh][ej][dk][fm][gm][hm][ec][eb][cc][de][ce][ef] C[Problem 31. Black to play. In spite of his loss in the upper left corner in Problem 27, Black is still ahead. Where should he play next ? ] (;B[bl] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The diagonal peep of Black 1 is the vital point. ] (;W[cm] C[White has to connect at 2. ] ;B[hl] C[Black now attacks the white group ... ] ;W[hk];B[ik];W[hi];B[hh];W[ii];B[jg] C[... with the sequence to 9, building a moyo at the bottom. White's stones are almost dead, but, even if then do manage to somehow live, it will be in gote and Black has already made a vast moyo in more than half the board. <= ] ) (;W[cl] C[If White 2, ... ] ;B[ck] C[... Black will play 3 and ... ] ;W[cm] C[... White will eventually have to come back and play 4. <= ] )) (;B[gc] C[How the game continued. Defending the two stones in the upper left with Black 1 was small. ] ;W[hl] C[The center was important and White immediately started maneuvers there with 2 ... ] ;B[im];W[jk] LB[fi:A] C[... and 4. These moves strengthened White's weak stones. White could also aim at A; Black soon found himself in serious trouble. <= ] ) )