(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cf][hd][fj][dm][hb][hc][ef][eg][cp][co][md][nc][oc][pm][ql][jc][kd][ld] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fp][pn][fd][cd][ee][gc][ff][dq][pc][nd][ne][gb][mq][qm][ke][le][me] LB[mq:1][pm:2][qm:3][ql:4] C[Problem 29. Black to play. After Black made a wall at the top in the game in Problem 25, he played at the bottom at 1. White attached with 2, then blocked with 4. How should Black continue ? ] (;B[pl] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Cutting with Black 1 is a strong move. ] ;W[om];B[qk];W[qn];B[rl] C[With the sequence to 5, Black builds a strong position which combines well with his thick wall at the top. ] ;W[rm] C[After White ataris with 6, ... ] ;B[ql] C[... Black connects with 7 and ... ] ;W[po];B[qp];W[on] LB[po:8] C[... White must capture with 8 and 10, ... ] ;B[np] LB[qp:9] C[... while Black takes profit in the corner with 9 and 11. White's stones still lack eyes, so they are a good target to attack. <= ] ) (;B[qn] C[How the game continued. Connecting with Black 1 was a solid move. ] ;W[qh] C[But when White invaded at 2, ... ] (;B[qf] LB[od:A] C[... Black defended with 3, because he needlessly feared White pushing through at A. ] ;W[qj] C[This gave White the chance to establish a position on the right side by attaching at 4. As it was, White was gradually catching up. <= ] ) (;B[qj] LB[qf:@] C[Instead of @, Black should have made an iron pillar with 3. White would then be in trouble. <= ] )) )