(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dg][fj][cn][dn][fo] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][fc][dm][em][fp] LB[fc:4][dg:3][fj:5][cn:1][fp:2][fo:9][dn:7][dm:6][em:8] C[Problem 28. Black to play. Black 6 and 8 are strong counters to the cap of White 5. But how should Black answer to White 9 ? ] (;B[en] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Cutting through with Black 1 ... ] ;W[eo];B[do] C[... and 3 is severe. ] ;W[ep];B[eq];W[fq] LB[dq:B][go:A] C[Because of the ladder at A, White can't cut at B. ] ;B[dq];W[gp];B[cm] C[Black gets a lot of profit in the corner with the sequence to 9. <= ] ) (;B[fn] C[How the game continued. Black clamped with 1, hoping to link up with his stones below. ] ;W[eo] C[But White's stones were quite flexible ... ] ;B[gp];W[go];B[cp];W[ep];B[eq];W[hp];B[hq];W[fl] C[... Black's stones on the left side became a liability after White 10. This was a success for White. See Problem 36 for the continuation. <= ] ) )