(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cn][co][dm][ek][ed][ee][dg][cg][gj][gl][fl][em] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][cp][dn][en][cf][eh][gh][ej][dk][fm][gm][hm] TR[cg] C[Problem 27. Black to play. This was the position eventually reached in the game in Problem 23. How should Black respond to the marked white stone ? ] (;B[dc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Descending to Black 1 is a solid move. ] ;W[ec] C[White must keep Black confined to the corner, so she blocks with 2. ] ;B[df];W[ef];B[eg];W[de];B[ce];W[cd];B[bd];W[cc];B[bc];W[db] C[With the sequence to 12, White settles her stones at the top, but ... ] ;B[bg] C[... Black gets a large territory on the left when he hanes at 13. White must now do something about her stones in the lower left. <= ] ) (;B[ec] C[How the game continued. The hane of Black 1 was an overplay. Black's stones were too thin to support such an aggressive move. ] ;W[dc];B[cc];W[db];B[eb];W[cd];B[de];W[cb] (;B[ef];W[df];B[ce];W[bf] LB[df:10] C[After White 10 and 12, Black's stones in the corner were dead. In spite of this loss, however, Black can still deliver a decisive blow. See Problem 31 for the continuation. <= ] ) (;B[bc] C[Instead of @, Black should have played 9 here. ] ;W[bb] C[If White 10, ... ] ;B[bd] C[... Black could live by turning at 11. <= ] )) )