(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dg][ek][cn][dn][ho][hp][hr][jo][ko][mp] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][gc][co][fp][go][gn][jn][qm][hn] TR[jo] C[Problem 26. Black to play. This is the position in the game in Problem 22 after White pushed through with the marked stone. How should Black continue ? ] (;B[ej] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Pushing up with Black 1, pressing the three white stones against the black wall below, is severe. ] ;W[fk];B[fj];W[gk];B[gj] C[Black continues up to 5, ... ] ;W[hk];B[ce] C[... then plays 7 in the upper left, securing the corner and robbing the lone white stone there of its base. Black has taken a commanding lead. <= ] ) (;B[io] C[How the game continued. Black wedged in with 1, but this was gote because, ... ] ;W[ip];B[in] LB[jr:B][jq:A] C[... after Black connected with 3, Black A would not be a viable threat (White attaches at B and Black loses the capturing race). ] ;W[ej] C[Therefore, White was able to use her next move to strengthen her position on the left with 4. <= ] ) )