(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fq][lp][pm][nj][qf][ko][ln][mo][ch][eh][dl][cj][hc][cg][dg][ci][dk][cm][bo][fk][gl][gn][gp][hp] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][dn][np][nf][nd][lq][kp][mp][cf][fj][fd][dh][di][ck][bp][dq][fp][em][iq] TR[hc] C[Problem 24. Black to play. This is the position eventually reached in the game in Problem 20. How should Black respond to the marked stone ? ] (;B[jc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 limits the space in which White can maneuver; it also secures the territory in the top right. ] ;W[he] C[If White plays 2, ... ] ;B[ff] C[... Black 3 prevents her from linking up. White is in trouble. <= ] ) (;B[he] C[How the game continued. Black capped with 1, ... ] ;W[jc] C[... but White was able to live at the top ... ] ;B[kc];W[id] LB[he:1] C[Variation. Even Black 1 is a slack move, ... ] (;B[ie] LB[jb:A] C[Variation. Blocking at 5 (instead of A) is not as good because White can live at the top ... ] ;W[kb] (;B[jb];W[ic];B[lc];W[lb];B[mc];W[fb] C[... with the sequence to 12. Black made a thick wall, but in this position it is unclear how he can turn it into territory. <= ] ) (;B[kd];W[lb];B[gc];W[ib];B[hd];W[ic] C[... with the sequence to 12. ] ;B[mc] C[However, this result is better for Black than the actual game. <= ] )) (;B[jb] LB[kc:3] C[... Black can still take the initiative with 3 and 5. ] ;W[ic] C[After White connects with 6, ... ] ;B[kd] LB[he:1] C[... Black 1 is on the vital point and White's stones are heavy, so they will have a hard time escaping. Moreover, Black has taken control of the territory in the top right. <= ] )) )