(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dg][ek][cn][dn][ho][hp][hr][mp] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][gc][co][fp][go][gn][jn][qm] TR[hr] C[Problem 22. Black to play. White jumps down to the second line with the marked stone. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[jr] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. This is another example of driving White into the corner by jumping down to 1. This keeps White's forces at the bottom separated. ] ;W[eq] C[White can live with 2 ... ] ;B[ep];W[fq] C[... and 4, but the territory she gets is small, ... ] ;B[dq] LB[jr:1][kq:C][hq:B][gq:A] C[... while Black's territory in the corner is bigger and more secure. Before playing 1, Black might consider exchanging A for White B, but then might jump to C instead of connecting at B. <= ] ) (;B[fr] LB[kq:A] C[How the game continued. Black defended the corner with 1, so White could link up her stones by jumping to A. ] ;W[ko] C[But she first peeped with 2. ] (;B[hn] C[Black strengthened the center with 3, so ... ] ;W[jo] C[... White took profit with 4. See Problem 26 for the continuation. <= ] ) (;B[jo] C[If Black had connected with 3, ... ] ;W[kq] C[... White would have fallen back to 4, satisfied with making Black's stones heavy. <= ] ) (;B[kp] LB[ko:2] C[Variation. In answer to White 2, Black could have crawled to 3. ] ;W[jo] C[If White pushes in with 4, ... ] ;B[lo];W[lp];B[io];W[kn];B[ip] C[... the sequence to Black 9 is inevitable. ] ;W[in] C[If White ataris with 10, ... ] ;B[hn] C[... Black cuts with 11 and ... ] ;W[jm];B[hq] C[... secures the bottom left with 13. <= ] )) )