(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fq][lp][pm][nj][qf][ko][ln][mo][ch][eh][dl][cj] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][dn][np][nf][nd][lq][kp][mp][cf][fj] LB[dl:1][cj:3][fj:2] C[Problem 20. Black to play. In the game in Problem 16, White exchanged 1 for 2, then attached at 3, aiming to link up his stones on the left side. How should Black deal with this move ? ] (;B[di] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should let White link up along the side and push through in the center with 1 ... ] ;W[ci];B[dh] C[... and 3. ] ;W[dg];B[cg];W[dk];B[fi] C[With the sequence to 7, White manages to link up some of her stones and get a small bit of territory on the left, but, in return, Black gets a thick position and territory in the upper left. <= ] ) (;B[ck] C[How the game continued. The hane of Black 1 was a black move. ] ;W[dk] C[After White cut with 2, ... ] ;B[di] C[... Black found his stones short of liberties after 3 ... ] ;W[ci] (;B[dh] C[... and 5, so ... ] ;W[dg];B[fi] C[... he had to defend at 7 ... ] ;W[cg] C[... instead of being able to cut at 8. See Problem 24 for the continuation of this game. <= ] ) (;B[fi] LB[dh:@][dg:6] C[The Black @ - White 6 exchange was bad. Black should have simply played at 5 here. <= ] )) )