(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cn][cf][oi][ph][qf][qc][pc][oc][nc][od][pn][nj][oj] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fd][lc][fp][nh][nd][ne][oe][pe][qd][pk][ol][ni] LB[pn:1][ol:2][nj:3] C[Problem 18. Black to play. In the game in Problem 18, instead of playing the honest move of 3, White exchanged 1 for Black 2, then turned at 3. What should Black do now ? ] (;B[on] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Attaching with Black 1 is severe. ] (;W[po];B[oo];W[qp];B[qq];W[pq];B[op];W[rq];B[qr] (;W[rr];B[pr];W[ro] C[White just barely lives with the sequence to 12, but the wall Black has made will have a strong effect on White's stones above. ] ;B[lj] C[Black has sente so he starts an attack on these stones with 13. <= ] ) (;W[ro] C[Variation. ] ;B[rr];W[sr] C[White plays the sequence to 12, hoping to live in sente, ... ] ;B[oq];W[lj] C[... then jumps to 14. ] ;B[qn] C[However, Black attaches at 15 and ... ] ;W[qm];B[pm];W[qo];B[rm];W[ql];B[rn];W[sn];B[rl];W[qk];B[rk];W[qj];B[qi];W[rj];B[ri] C[... White's stones in the lower right die with the sequence to 29. <= ] )) (;W[qq] LB[on:1] C[Variation. In response to Black 1, White might invade the corner with 2. ] ;B[qp] C[Black blocks with 3, ... ] ;W[pq];B[rq];W[rr];B[rp] LB[rq:5] C[... then hanes and connects with 5 and 7. ] ;W[nq];B[op];W[mr] C[White lives in the corner with the sequence to 10, but ... ] ;B[mj] C[... Black plays 11, attacking the five stones on the right side. ] ;W[nl];B[mk];W[nk];B[lm];W[om];B[pm];W[nm];B[qn];W[nn] C[When White plays 20, ... ] ;B[np] C[... Black stops her from linking up to her stones at the bottom with 21. Now the white stones have no way to escape. <= ] )) (;B[ml] C[How the game continued. Black jumped to 1 and ... ] ;W[lj] C[... White escaped into the center with 2. ] ;B[nn] C[Black capped with 3, but ... ] ;W[qq];B[pq];W[qp] (;B[po];W[qo];B[on];W[mc];B[ld];W[pm] LB[np:A] C[... White easily lived in the corner with the sequence to 12. In addition, Black still has some bad aji at A which White might be able to exploit later. <= ] ) (;B[qr] LB[qp:6] C[Variation. After White 6, ... ] ;W[rr];B[pr] LB[qr:7] C[... Black could have haned and connected with 7 and 9. ] ;W[rn];B[rs];W[sr] LB[np:C][oo:B][po:A] C[After White 12, Black ends in sente as before, but White's territory in the corner is smaller and Black's aji at the bottom is good. If White A or B, Black will jump to C. <= ] )) )