(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cf][hd][fj][dm] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fp][pn][fd] LB[cf:1][fd:2][hd:7][fj:5][dm:3][fp:4][pn:6] C[Problem 17. Black to play. Black ignores White's cap at 5 and strengthens his position in the lower left with 6. How should Black respond to White's invasion at 7 ? ] (;B[ge] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should play the diagonal move of 1 and aim to confine White to the top ... ] ;W[he];B[hf];W[if];B[ie];W[hb];B[jb] LB[ec:B][kc:A][hb:6] C[Note Black 7. After White 6 in this joseki, White can live on the side by playing at either A or B. Driving White into the corner and confining her there, where she can do the least strategic damage, is the correct choice for Black. ] ;W[ec];B[ed];W[fc];B[dc];W[gd];B[gf];W[db];B[cb] C[... with the sequence to 15. ] ;W[ea] C[White lives with 16, but, ... ] ;B[dg] C[... when Black plays 17, he gets territory on the left side and has foiled White's capping strategy. <= ] ) (;B[cd] C[How the game continued. Black defended the corner with 1. This was a reasonable move, ... ] ;W[ef] (;B[gc] C[... but Black 3 was bad. He did gain some territory in the corner, but ... ] ;W[hc] C[... it induced White to increase her influence on the right with 4. Black was still left with the problem of how to deal with White's two stones at the top. <= ] ) (;B[fm] LB[cd:a] C[Instead of a in the upper left corner, Black 1 here would also be a good move. <= ] ) (;B[ge] C[Black should have simply played at 3 here. <= ] )) )