(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fq][lp][pm][nj][qf][ko][ln][mo][ch][eh] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][dn][np][nf][nd][lq][kp][mp][cf] LB[cf:1][eh:2] C[Problem 16. Black to play. This is the continuation of the game in Problem 12. Black exchanged 1 for White 2. How should he continue ? ] (;B[cj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 defends the territory on the lower left, preventing any white countermeasures there. ] ;W[fd] C[If White switches to the top with 2, ... ] ;B[fe] C[... Black can attach with 3. ] ;W[ge];B[ff];W[ed];B[de] C[After the sequence to Black 7, the prospects for White's stones on the left area bleak. <= ] ) (;B[fd] C[How the game continued. Reinforcing the top with Black 1 ... ] ;W[dl] C[... gave White the chance to play on the left side with 2. See Problem 20 for the continuation of this game. ] ) )