(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cn][fm][dg][gg][hd] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fd][fj][hj][fp] LB[cn:1][fp:2][dg:3][fd:4][fm:5][fj:6][gg:7][hj:8][hd:9] C[Problem 15. Black to play. White invades the top with 9, isolating the two black stones and hoping to start a fight around here. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[ig] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a severe attack. Besides mapping out a large moyo in the upper right, it threatens to split White's overstretched stones. ] ;W[hf] C[White 2 ensues a connection between her stones, but ... ] (;B[ce] C[... Black 3 robs them of their base white securing the territory in the corner. <= ] ;W[if]) (;B[if] C[If Black wants to emphasise his moyo, he will block with 3. ] ;W[cd] C[White would then attach at 4. <= ] )) (;B[fb] LB[cd:A] C[How the game continued. Black defended the corner with 1, but this move was off the mark. White's stones on the left could still make a base by attaching at A. ] ;W[nd] C[White switched to the upper right with 2, putting pressure on the two black stones at the top. ] ;B[ld] C[Black tries to alleviate this pressure by making a checking extension to 3, but ... ] ;W[nf] C[... after exchanging 4 ... ] ;B[pf] C[... for 5, ... ] ;W[jh] C[... White attacked on a large scale with 6. See Problem 19 for the continuation of this game. <= ] ) )