(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cn][cf][oi][ph][qf][qc][pc][oc][nc][od] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fd][lc][fp][nh][nd][ne][oe][pe][qd] TR[oi] C[Problem 14. Black to play. White tries to escape into the center with the marked stone. How should Black attack ? ] (;B[mj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Jumping ahead of the white stones with the knight's move of Black 1 ... ] ;W[oj] C[... forces White to run away with 2 ... ] ;B[pl];W[ok];B[qj];W[ol] C[... to 6, ... ] ;B[pm] C[... thereby inducing Black to make territory along the fourth line with the sequence to 7. ] ;W[ml] C[You might think that White is home free when she jumps to 8, ... ] ;B[kl] C[... but Black can continue the attack by capping at 9. ] (;W[mo] C[If White jumps to 10, ... ] ;B[pq] C[... Black secures territory on the right with 11. <= ] ) (;W[lk] C[If White 10 here, ... ] ;B[jj] C[... Black keeps White hemmed in with 11. White will have trouble making two eyes. <= ] )) (;B[ni] C[How the game continued. Black pushed with 1. This was a bad move ... ] ;W[oj];B[pk] LB[ol:B][pn:A] C[... because after Black 3 White can counterattack around A, inducing Black B. However, ... ] ;W[nj] C[... White must first turn at 4. White now has more options in her run to safety in the center. See Problem 18 for the continuation of this game. <= ] ) )