(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[pm][nj][nh][og][qf] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][jj][nq][oh][ng][nd] LB[qf:1][nd:2][pm:3][nq:4][nj:5][oh:6][nh:7][ng:8][og:9] C[Problem 13. Black to play. White cuts with 9. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[ph] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The proverb advises, 'When caught in a crosscut, extend !'. Black should follow this maxim by extending to 1 and strengthening his stones toward the edge. This gives him two ways to save his stones on the side. ] (;W[mh] C[If White extends to 2, ... ] ;B[pg] C[... Black ataris with 4. ] ;W[qc] C[It is unreasonable to try and save the stone in atari, so White might jump to the corner with 4. ] ;B[qd] C[Black will block with 5 and ... ] ;W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[nc];W[od];B[oe] C[... confine White to the corner with the sequence to 15. ] ;W[pc] C[White ends in gote, so ... ] ;B[ok] C[... Black can separate White's stones in the center from the one on the side with 17. For this reason, White won't invade at 4 immediately. Instead, she will leave it in reserve as aji and strengthen her stones in the center first. <= ] ) (;W[of] C[Variation. If White extends to 2 first, ... ] ;B[ni] C[... Black ataris from the other side with 3 and ... ] ;W[mh];B[mi] C[... pushes out into the center with 5, building a wall and influence towards the bottom. ] ;W[lh];B[nf] C[Black 7 now leaves White with two weak groups to defend. This result is bad for White. <= ] )) (;B[ni] C[How the game continued. Black 1 ... ] ;W[mh];B[mi] C[... and 3 were unrelenting, but ... ] ;W[oi] C[... they gave White the chance to counterattack with 4 ... ] ;B[ph];W[pi] C[... and 6. In the fight to 26, Black made many mistakes - ... ] ;B[pg] LB[qi:A] C[... - 7 should be at A - ... ] ;W[qi];B[pf];W[mg];B[nf] LB[li:B] C[... - 11 should be at B - ... ] ;W[li];B[mj];W[mk];B[lj];W[kj];B[lk];W[kk];B[ll];W[kh];B[ji];W[ki];B[nl] LB[oj:C] C[... - 23 should be at C - ... ] ;W[oj];B[nk];W[ok] C[... - so White got profit on the right and established a position in the center. This sequence was a success for White. <= ] ) )