(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fq][lp][pm][nj][qf] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][dn][np][nf][nd] TR[lp] C[Problem 12. Black to play. White invades the bottom with her marked stone. How should Black answer ? ] (;B[nn] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should jump to 1, threatening to pull out the black stone an the right and keeping the white stone on the left isolated. ] ;W[ol] C[If White defends with 2, ... ] ;B[ko] C[... Black 3 all but captures the white stone at the bottom right. ] (;W[jq] C[If White tries to make sabaki with 4 ... ] ;B[iq];W[ip] C[... and 6, ... ] ;B[hq] C[... White has no follow-up after Black extends to 7. <= ] ) (;W[lr] C[If White jumps down to the second line with 4, ... ] ;B[jr] C[... Black blocks from the left with 5. ] ;W[oq];B[pq];W[op];B[oo];W[nq];B[pr];W[mp];B[no];W[jq];B[iq];W[kq];B[ip];W[kr];B[ir];W[ns] LB[nn:1] C[With the black stone at 1 present, White just barely lives with the sequence to 20, but ... ] ;B[dq] C[... Black takes an unassailable lead when he encloses the lower left corner with 21. <= ] )) (;B[lo] C[How the game continued. Black attached with 1 ... ] ;W[mo];B[mp];W[ko];B[lq];W[ln];B[kp] LB[ln:6] C[... and linked up with the sequence to 7, but White made a ponnuki with 6, which gave him tremendous power in the center. ] ;W[ch] C[White ended in sente, so she switched to the left side with 8. See Problem 16 for the continuation of this game. <= ] ) )