(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[gp][qf][pm][ld][pg][mg][ng][og][qg] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][nd][dn][nq][pf][nj][qe][of][nf] TR[ng] C[Problem 10. Black to play. How should Black play after White connects with the marked stone in Problem 6 ? ] (;B[nm] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The lone white stone in the lower right is thin, so Black should attack it by capping with 1. In this way, he can strengthen his own weak stones while attacking White's. ] ;W[qp];B[qq];W[po];B[op];W[ro] C[White makes sabaki with the sequence to 6. ] ;B[rq] C[After Black 7, ... ] (;W[ql] C[... White can live by simply extending to 8. <= ] ) (;W[qj] C[White's stones die. If White attaches at 8, ... ] ;B[qk];W[pk];B[qi];W[rj];B[rk];W[ri];B[pl];W[ok];B[ol] (;W[oj];B[nk];W[oi] LB[nk:19] C[... her stones in the bottom right die with the sequence to Black 19. <= ] ) (;W[nk] LB[oj:@] C[If White plays 18 here instead of @, ... ] ;B[rh];W[qh];B[pi];W[rg];B[sj];W[sh];B[mk] C[... White's loss will be even bigger after the sequence to Black 25. <= ] ))) (;B[jf] C[How the game continued. Black jumped to 1 at the top, but ... ] ;W[ok] C[... White took the initiative on the right side by peeping at 2, ... ] ;B[oj];W[lj] C[... then capping at 4. <= ] ) )