(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cg][dg][eg][cn][dn][gm][hj][qf] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][fj][co][fp][cf][df][fe][nd] TR[hj] C[Problem 9. Black to play. White has just capped with the marked stone. How should Black escape into the center ? ] (;B[gi] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should move out with 1, putting pressure on the three white stones above. ] ;W[gg] C[White escapes with 2, ... ] ;B[hi] C[... but Black is safely out in the center with 3. ] (;W[ig] C[If White 4, ... ] ;B[ij] C[... Black will play 5. Now his stones are thick in the center and the four white ones below will be in danger. <= ] ) (;W[bj] C[Therefore, White slides to 4 linking up her stones above and below. Next, ... ] ;B[ij] C[... Black plays 5. <= ] )) (;B[hi] C[How the game continued. Attaching with 1 was dangerous. ] ;W[gi];B[fh];W[hh] (;B[gg];W[ii];B[fi] C[Black manages to escape with the sequence to 7, but ... ] ;W[bj] LB[ii:6] C[... White made a ponnuki in the center with 6 and rescued her stones in the upper left with 8. In the meantime, because of this ponnuki, Black's territories at the top and the bottom became thinner, so this was an unsatisfactory result for Black. <= ] ) (;B[ii] LB[gg:@] C[Instead of @, Black should have extended to 5. <= ] )) )