(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[md][nc][oc][pc][qb][cn][gd][dg] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][od][nd][ne][qc][cl][rc] LB[gd:2][cl:1] TR[cn] C[Problem 7. Black to play. This is a continuation of Problem 3. Black 1 restricted the movement of the marked stone, so White plays elsewhere, making an approach with 2. How should Black answer ? ] (;B[ef] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 keeps the two white stones separated. ] ;W[eg] C[White first pushes up with 2, ... ] ;B[ff];W[dc] C[... then counterattacks by attaching with 4. ] ;B[ec] C[Black hanes with 5, ... ] ;W[ed] C[... but White responds strongly by crosscutting with 6. ] ;B[fd];W[fc];B[eb];W[fe];B[ee] C[After Black 11, ... ] ;W[fd] C[... White connects with 12 and ... ] ;B[cc];W[de];B[cd];W[fb];B[db];W[df] C[... the sequence to 18 is inevitable, but Black is alive in the corner and, ... ] ;B[gf] C[... when he extends to 19, White is in trouble. ] (;W[ie] C[If White goes for the top with 20 ... ] ;B[gh];W[je] C[... and 22, ... ] ;B[ei] LB[gh:21] C[... Black will secure the upper left side with 21 and 23. Moreover, White still needs another move to secure the top. <= ] ) (;W[ei] C[On the other hand, if White plays 20 here, ... ] ;B[ie] C[Black will play 21 and the six white stones at the top left are in trouble. <= ] )) (;B[lc] C[How the game continued. Black attacked the stones in the upper right with 1 ... ] ;W[mc];B[lb] C[... and 3, ... ] ;W[ld] C[... but White forced with 4, ... ] ;B[jc];W[lf] C[... then jumped to 6. Black's moyo on the right was no longer impressive and his stones at the top become heavy. See Problem 11 for the continuation. <= ] ) (;B[me] TR[jd] C[Variation. In Black wants to play on the right, driving White towards the marked stone with 1 ... ] ;W[ld];B[le] C[... and 3 is the right direction. Black's moyo on the right is huge. ] (;W[kd] C[White must not play 4 ... ] ;B[ke] C[... because she will be short of liberties after Black 5. <= ] ) (;W[ke] C[If White hanes at 4, ... ] ;B[kd] C[... White's stones at the top are in danger after Black 5. <= ] )) )