(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[qm][pm][nc][nd][cn][gd][jf][nf][lc] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][cf][fp][qn][oc][pf][nj][le][lg] TR[lc] C[Problem 5. Black to play. This is a continuation of Problem 1. How should Black respond to the marked stone ? ] (;B[je] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black can make shape by bumping against the white stone 1. ] ;W[kf] C[After exchanging 2 ... ] ;B[lf] C[... for 3, ... ] (;W[hf] C[... White must defend with 4. ] ;B[ld] C[Next, Black makes a thick shape with 5. White is thin on both the left and the right, so at least one of these groups will come under attack. <= ] ) (;W[ke] LB[hf:@] C[If White pushes in with 4 here instead of @, ... ] ;B[kd] C[... Black blocks with 5. ] ;W[ld] C[If White cuts at 6, ... ] ;B[if] C[... Black hanes with 7. This will be an easy fight for Black. <= ] )) (;B[kd] C[How the game continued. Black 1 made bad shape. ] ;W[mh] C[White moved out into the center with 2 ... ] ;B[og];W[lh] C[... and 4. ] ;B[kg];W[jb] LB[mh:2][og:3] C[Black 3 threatened to cut off the stone at 2, but White settled her stones by sliding to 6, ... ] ;B[ic];W[lj] LB[og:3][jb:6] C[... then reinforcing the ones in the center by jumping to 8. Note how White didn't merely link up after Black 3; instead she took the initiative by expanding her positions with 6 and 8. <= ] ) )