(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[md][nc][oc][pc][qb] AB[jp][jd][pj][dj][dp][pd][pp][dd][od][nd][ne][qc] TR[qb] C[Problem 3. Black to play. How should Black respond to the marked white stone ? ] (;B[rb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The two-step hane of Black 1 is an effective move in this position because of the cutting points in White's group. ] ;W[rc] C[If White goes after the black stone in the corner with 2 ... ] ;B[qd] (;W[ra] C[... and 4, ... ] ;B[mc] C[... Black cuts with 5. ] ;W[sb] C[If White captures with 6, ... ] ;B[lc] C[... Black extends to 7 and gets massive thickness in the center. <= ] ) (;W[pb] C[If White plays 4 here, ... ] ;B[rd] C[... then capturing a stone with the atari of 5 is big for Black. <= ] )) (;B[rc] LB[rb:@][qd:A] C[How the game continued. Being afraid of the cut at A, Black descended to 1. This was a passive move. Depending on later developments, White @ might be a strong move, so Black's position on the right cannot be considered thick. ] ;W[cn] C[In the meantime, White played 2 ... ] ;B[fp];W[dg] LB[qd:A] C[... and 4 on the left side leaving the cut at A as aji. <= ] ) )